Libre Graphics Club is based in England and holds virtual workshops for learning about Free design & graphics software.
Libre Graphics Meeting (LGM) is organized every year since 2006 to attract developers, artists and professionals using and improving Free Software for creating graphical work. Unlike many other events dedicated to Free Software, the LGM always has a strong artistic direction, with designers and artists showing their work along the developers work.
Libre Graphics was a design magazine out of Canada sold as a print version and available as a free .pdf that ran for 8 issues from November 2010 until October 2015. It explains and demonstrates the Free/Libre Open Source Software (F/LOSS) ethos by using all open source tools (no Adobe!) and releasing its source files. The magazine wrote on process, technical concepts, socio-political implications of design/tech and shared other kindred projects. Most issues are still available for purchase or download